Our Doctrine

King James Bible


Gods Word (The Bible) - We believe the Bible to be the Infallible, Inspired Word of God (II Timothy 3:16). It should be read, studied, and declared as such; not as a book of ideas, philosophy or the like allowing individuals to create a god to their liking. We recommend and choose to only use the Old King James Translation, for reasons which have transpired throughout History as generation after generation has made tireless attempts to destroy and distort the Pure Word of God.

The Godhead - There is one true and living God, the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of The One God. Jesus is the Son of God, the only begotten of the Father, born of a Virgin. Jesus is the Word of God made flesh who dwelt among men, all Authority of the Godhead dwelt in the body of Jesus the Christ.
Isaiah 43:10-11
Mark 12:40
John 1:1-14

Salvation - Man (Men & Women) is born in sin and must be "Born Again" (John 3:3-6) by repenting and turning from their sins, recognizing his (Men & Women) need for a Savior. This is only possible by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. It is only by the shed blood of Christ that a man can be Saved. The new birth ("Born Again") process is completed in three parts: Repentance Water Baptism in Jesus Name Baptism of the Holy Ghost There are numerous examples of this process throughout the book of Acts showing us that all three steps are necessary for true Salvation.
Matthew 26: 27-28
Acts 2:38
Acts 8: 14-17
Acts 10:42-48
Acts 19: 1-8

Water Baptism - Water Baptism by Immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is the only example written in the Holy Word of God. Every example shared in scripture is done in the Name of Jesus. By doing the same we fulfill and thus obey the commandment of Jesus in:
Matthew 28: 19
Luke 24:47 & in
Acts 2: 38

Baptism of the Holy Sprit - The Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Comforter, The Spirit of Truth are all titles describing the Spirit of God. As believers we need to be empowered to live a life in Christ. It is by this we are able to resist and overcome sin, sickness and all of the powers of Satan. This is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Through the Baptism of the Spirit of God we receive Spiritual Gifts, Boldness, Joy, Peace, Comfort, etc. This is a separate impartation of God in addition to receiving Christ as our Personal Savior.
Acts 1:8
Acts 8:14-17
Acts 19: 2-6

Gifts of the Spirit - We believe the Gifts of the Spirit (Spirit of God) still operate in the Body of Christ (The Church) today. There are many people still receiving healing, miracles and deliverance by the power of God through believers (Christians).
I Corinthians 12: 7-11
Mark 16: 15-20

The Rapture of the Church - We believe the Rapture of the Church will take place "immediately after the Great Tribulation" just like Jesus said in Matthew 24: 29-30. This in response to the disciples direct question to Jesus "What shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the World?" in Matthew 24: 3. Jesus told the disciples not to be deceived (Matthew 24:4) and then described to the events and signs leading up to his return "immediately after the Tribulation".
Matthew 24